Sunday, February 7, 2010

Strength in Numbers

Last week I sat down with the owner of a Valley Original's restaurant (located in the Mount Washington Valley),
to talk about hosting a fundraising event. As we caught I up I inquired about The Valley Originals.

“The Valley Originals is a group of locally owned and operated restaurants that have joined together to share their thoughts and ideas on what the true experience of local eatery should be like. By their very nature the independent restaurant is unique in its ambience, recipes and service - it is not a copy of any other restaurant in the locale.

Food is prepared fresh daily, often from local product. Frozen food prepared in some far flung commissary is not the fare of the independent restaurant. The owner is on the premises to respond to your dining needs and wishes.

We support local organizations, charities and activities and are all involved in the community effort. Our goal is to give you a very special and unique experience and the finest food found anywhere. So treat yourself... come join us.”     

So why come together and create this entity? It would be easy to look at this venture as purely a marketing opportunity. In fact this creative endeavor is a brilliant way to empower local business, drive down prices, share professional expertise and create a recognizable brand that draws visitors to the participating businesses.

Arts and culture businesses check this out, think about it. How can arts and cultural businesses join forces to increase their buying and negotiating power and market themselves in the region? The Arts Alliance has positioned itself as a catalyst for these efforts, acting as a coordinator to bring artists to the North Country and partnering with organizations to present affordable workshop and conference opportunities.

How can The Arts Alliance support other efforts? Momentum is building – The Valley Originals bring restaurateurs together, WREN and Fiddleheads offer artists a common place to sell their creations, The Old Mill Studio offers classes to improve your skills or try something new…what is next? What suggestions do you have for working collaboratively to promote arts and culture in the region?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

BYO...Be There!

Did you know that Sugar Hill will be rocking next Tuesday night, February 9th?

The Arts Alliance Annual Meeting and BYOP starts at with a public meeting at 5:30, moves to a potluck at 6, followed by revelries at 6:45 (the poetry, performance, presentation, painting part!).

The food, fare and festivities should not be missed.

The list of confirmed attendees --- including fiddler Patrick Ross, dancer Katherine Ferrier and Samantha Kenney Maltais of NH Grand Brands ---
hint at what this gathering is all about.

Come early, come late and enjoy music, poetry, art, dance, networking, idea sharing, good food and good friends.

Here are the details:

Sugar Hill Town Hall (Crapo Memorial Building), Route 117, Sugar Hill.
5:30 - AANNH Annual Meeting
6:00 - Potluck
6:45 - BYOP Festivities!

“If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a hoper, a prayer, a magic-bean-buyer.
 If you're a pretender.... for we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in!”

---Shel Silverstein

If you have questions you can email or call 603-323-7302.