Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Flying the Coop!

Tramping through the snow, dressed in layers and clad in boots, it is hard to imagine that in 24 hours I will be in flip flops and tank tops, but it is true, I am flying the coop for a trip to Mexico with my husband. I promise to return with tales about the creative economy in the Yucatan and primed to share more stories of the North Country on the blog.

While I am away please keep your thoughts, ideas and comments flowing; it is so great to hear from so many voices in the region. Check the blog to hear from my colleague Eileen Alexander, who will be posting in my absence.

Finally, a few quick reminders before I sign off -

Wednesday is the last day for guessing the home of our famous reindeer, so get your guesses in!

Check out www.aannh.org to get details on events happening this week that you shouldn’t miss.

Happy holidays and a joyous start to 2010 to all!

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